Projects / Wales / 38 - Sub-Saharan Advisory Panel

Emerging Futures: Days Ahead / Siku Za Mbele (Swahili) / dyddiau o'n Blaenau (Welsh)


The project will support the Youth Leadership Network of SSAP to develop a youth-led imagination futures forum that will debate, explore and challenge narratives of a future where Western worldview is not the dominant one. The Youth Leadership Network currently involves people 18-30 from the African community and Diaspora.

The project will create an incubator space for young people, activism, education and networking and will design and develop educational materials and resources to increase awareness and educate people in Wales and beyond with an ultimate view to create a fairer and more equal Wales that exists within the global arena. It will explore deep narratives that young African people involved in the network have experienced, tracing them to their colonial routes and create new narratives in their stead that promote equity and diversity.